Revitalizing the Danube Region: An Innovative Approach to Cultural Tourism

This project is funded through the Interreg Program for the Danube Region 2021-2027 and co-funded by the European Union, with the general aim of stimulating socio-economic development in the Danube region by applying a collaborative approach to the development of cultural tourism.

Through this project, new transnational tourist products will be created, and the management of tourist destinations will be enhanced with the help of innovative and inclusive solutions. The project focuses on an innovative social and collaborative approach to tourism, with special attention to marginalized groups such as migrants, women, and youth.

Representatives of the leading partner in the project, the Danube Competence Center, presented key elements of the project during the first day of the meeting, such as the certified cultural route "The Path of Roman Emperors and the Danube Wine Route," successful tourism management, various tourist products, research, and networking. The project's objectives were also thoroughly discussed, including the valorization of the certified European cultural route, the implementation of innovative and participatory collaboration models, and increasing market access and sustainable commercialization.

In addition to presenting the project, activities that the project partners will jointly implement for 30 months, until June 2026, were also introduced.

"NTO MNE is responsible for shaping specific tourist itineraries within this project, creating guidelines for the development of green tourism products, and providing support to tour operators who are strategic partners in the project to create transnational tourist packages focused on green tourism, as well as for intensive promotion of these unique experiences," NTO MNE announced.

Danko Ćosić, Program Director and representative of the Leading Partner, the Danube Competence Center from Serbia, emphasized the importance of the #RomansWineDanube project as a crucial step towards strengthening cooperation among partners from different countries in the Danube region. He added that this project will enable the integration of innovative approaches in tourism management and the creation of transnational tourist products, contributing to the region's sustainable development.

The Danube Competence Center leads the "#RomansWineDanube" project from Serbia. In addition to NTO MNE, project partners include the Bistra Ptuj Scientific Research Center from Slovenia, the Technical University in Košice from Slovakia, media k GmbH from Germany, the Rousse Regional Museum of History from Bulgaria, the Alba Iulia Municipality from Romania, the Zsolnay Heritage Management Nonprofit Ltd. from Hungary, HARFA from Hungary, the National Museum "Zaječar" from Serbia, the Tourist Board of Osijek - Baranja County from Croatia, the National Tourism Organization of Ukraine, and the Office for European Integration of the Government of West Herzegovina Canton from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Associated partners from Montenegro are the Tourist Organisation of the Capital City Podgorica and Montenegro Adventures.

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