May in a thousand colors


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Join us in celebrating Independence Day in Cetinje! The city is proud to present "May in a Thousand Colors," an event featuring some of the biggest regional music stars. From May 17th to May 21st, Vlatko Stefanovski, Damir Urban, Perper, Adi Šoše, Darko Martinović, Žuti Serhatlić, Zdravko Đuranović, and Luka Radović will perform.

On the main event day, May 21st, the Palace Square (Dvorski trg) will be buzzing with performances by Jadranka Barjaktarović and one of the most popular music stars in the region, Severina Vučković. We have also planned a day dedicated to children's activities, folklore, choirs, and dance groups on May 22nd.

Residents and visitors of the Capital will not only get to enjoy a diverse musical, cultural, and entertainment program, but also a rich gastronomic offering. We aim to attract as many visitors as possible and make Cetinje a center of positive events in Montenegro, and a recognizable holiday destination in the region. Don't miss this opportunity to celebrate Independence Day in Cetinje, surrounded by great music, food, and culture.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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