Innotourclust - Innovative Cross Border Tourism SMEs Cluster
Through this project, it is planned that SEMs from IT-AL-MNE have joint cooperation, education, activities and to form a cluster that will have an innovative management, and all this will result in the internationalization of cluster members, which will enable a stronger presence in the international market.

Quick overview:
Project title: INNOTOURCLUST – Innovative Cross Border Tourism SMEs Cluster
Project value: 813 341.00€
Implementation period: April 2018- July 2021
Partners: Chamber of Commerce of Lecce, lead partner; Department of Management, Economics, Mathematics and Statistics, University of Salento; Autonomous Agency for Hospitality and Tourism of Termoli; National Tourism Agency, Albania; Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Tirana; National Tourism Organisation of Montenegro
Overall Objective is the improvement of the competitiveness and cooperation of IT-AL-MO SMEs through the creation and implementation of an Innovative Cross-Border Tourism Cluster focused on the integration and training of local economic operators for a better and innovative match of local enterprises with international tourism industry
The Specific Objective is oriented to the involvement of the most important stakeholders of local economic and social sectors, and moreover to suggest the creation of innovative products and services in tourism business, under a common Service Charter that will ensure smart, sustainable and inclusive growth of local stakeholders.
Expected results:
- Enhanced economic cross border cooperation and increased competitiveness through better interaction among local stakeholders and enterprises.
- Better matching between international tourism demand and local SMEs offering innovative products and services.
- Strengthened and empowered international promotion system of local SMEs and business institutions