“DUE MARI” next generation tourism development
“Due Mari” is adressing main Adriatic – Ionian challenge -concerning sustainable touristic development via smart technologies. Sustainable tourism has the potential to become the main driver of change through the use of innovative interactive Virtual tour platform, counterbalance the seasonal and mass touristic approach, increase the demand and offer of current/future touristic solutions. Due Mari will redefine the promotion of tourism and sustainable development and directly improve the visibility of the programme area through interactive joint web platform, influence promotion of local products and services as well as promote cultural and natural assets.

Quick overview:
Project title: “DUE MARI” next generation tourism development
Project value: 5.203.428,90 €
Implementation period: May 2019 – May 2022
Partners: Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania, Puglia Region – Department of Tourism, Economy of Culture and Valorisation of Territory, Molise Region, Innovapuglia S.p.A., Ministry of Economic Development of Montenegro, National Tourism Organisation of Montenegro
A link to the project website: Due Mari
A link to the Due Mari platform: duemarivirtualtours.com