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CHENOT ESPACE – A REVOLUTIONARY WELLNESS EXPERIENCE For those who wish to dedicate their time away to a serious health overhaul, One&Only Portonovi is home to one of the most comprehensive wellness destinations in Europe. Continuing to elevate the wellness experience, the luxury resort collection’s exclusive global partnership with leading health and wellness expert brand Chenot will see One&Only Portonovi introduce Chenot Espace; 4,000 metre² space offering guests an intensive and transformative journey of detoxing and resetting the body based on the renowned Chenot Method®. A series of in-depth diagnostic tests carried out by specialised professionals will lead to the creation of an entirely bespoke programme – designed to rebalance the body’s physiology, increase vitality, and eliminate toxins. Chenot Espace also features hydrotherapy and cryotherapy facilities, sauna and steam rooms, an indoor pool and relaxation areas, ensuring guests leave feeling fully recharged. A selection of rooms and suites are positioned directly above the space, offering those taking part in longer length programmes easy access and total privacy.

Descubre un Montenegro único

Tan pequeño que se puede recorrer en una tarde. No se limite a "sobrevolarlo", sino que trate de absorber verdaderamente lo que es especial e importante".

Busque su destino todo el año

Aunque es un país pequeño, es increíblemente diverso. Mira todo lo que tiene para ofrecer:

Viaje con responsabilidad

¿Sabías? Que en 1991, las autoridades montenegrinas adoptaron una declaración que convertía a Montenegro en el primer estado ecológico del mundo.

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